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Form (BETA)

Take care form submission

Form: Component

Note: This component is currently in BETA

This component is optional and it takes care of the form submission by closely aligning with the standard native form.

By default, we will send a POST request with your form submission data as FormData. You can supply headers prop to avoid FormData to be submitted and use application/json instead.

  • Progressively enhancement for your form.

  • Support both React Web and React Native.

  • Take care of form submission handling.

  method="post" // default to post
  onSubmit={() => {}} // function to be called before the request
  onSuccess={() => {}} // valid response
  onError={() => {}} // error response
  validateStatus={status => status >= 200} // validate status code


All props all optional


control object provided by invoking useForm. Optional when using FormProvider.

<Form control={control} />

Render prop function suitable for headless component.

  render={({ submit }) => <View />} 

Function invoked after successful validation.

  onSubmit={data => mutation(data)} 

Function called after successful request to the server.

  onSuccess={({ response }) => {}} 

Function called after failed request to the server.

setError function will be called to update errors state.

  onError={({ response }) => {}} 
headersRecord<string, string>

Request headers object.

    accessToken: 'xxx',
    // Json content type 
    // will stringify form data
    'Content-Type': 'application/json'
validateStatus(status: number) => boolean

Function to validate status code.

  validateStatus={status => status === 200}
fetcher(action: string, options: Object) => void

Custom fetcher callback function

// with server state library
   (action, { values }) => axios(action, values})}

// with custom axios
   (action, { values }) => mutation(values)}


  • If want to prepare or omit submission data, please use handleSubmit or custom fetcher.

    const { handleSubmit, control } = useForm();
    const onSubmit =(data) => callback(prepareData(data))
    <form onSubmit={handleSubmit(onSubmit)} />
    // or
    <Form action="/api" control={control} fetcher={(action, { values }) => onSubmit(values)} />
  • Progressive Enhancement only applicable for SSR framework.

    const { handleSubmit, control } = useForm({
      progressive: true                    
    <Form onSubmit={onSubmit} control={control} action="/api/test" method="post">
      <input {...register('test', { required: true })} />
    </Form />
    // Renders
    <form action="/api/test" method="post">
      <input required name="test" />
  • It's sufficient enough to just use the handleSubmit callback with server state library, but you can use with SWR or TanQuery to support progressively enhancement.

    const { handleSubmit, control } = useForm({
      progressive: true                    
    const [mounted, setMounted] = useState(false)
    const mutation = useMutation();
    <form onSubmit={handleSubmit(mutation)} />
    <Form fetcher={(action, { values }) => mutation(values)} action={'/api/something'/}>


import { useForm } from 'react-hook-form';

function App() {
  const { control, register, formState: { isSubmitSuccessful, errors } } = useForm({
    // progressive: true, optional prop for progressive enhancement
  return (
    <Form action="/api" control={control}>
      <input {...register('name')} />
      {isSubmitSuccessful && <p>Form submit successful.</p>}
      {errors?.root?.server && <p>Form submit failed.</p>}
import { uesForm } from 'react-hook-form';

function App() {
  const { control, register, formState: { isSubmitSuccessful, errors } } = useForm();
  return (
      render={({ submit }) => {
          {isSubmitSuccessful && <Text>Form submit successful.<Text>}
          {errors?.root?.server && <Text>Form submit failed.</Text>}
          <Button onPress={() => submit()} />

Thank you for your support

If you find React Hook Form to be useful in your project, please consider to star and support it.
